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Rents up £12.5M across East Cambridgeshire in last two years

New analysis from Ely and East Cambridgeshire Labour reveals the staggering hit to renters across East Cambridgeshire over the last two years, as the cost of living crisis continues to deepen for families throughout Britain.

The average rise in rents across our region over the last two years is £169 p/m – hitting East Cambridgeshire’s 6000+ renters to the tune of £12.5M

Incredibly, Rishi Sunak failed to even mention the cost of living crisis at a Conservative Party Conference in which his housing minister smeared renters as ‘weed-smoking bad people in gangs’.

Labour has called for real action to support renters including a Renters’ Charter, providing new certainty for renters, ending ‘no-fault’ evictions and introducing four-month notice periods for landlords.

Renters in East Cambridgeshire have taken a hammering from the Conservatives’ cost of living crisis over the last two years – yet at Tory Conference this week, instead of the support they need, all they got were insults and inactivity.

The truth is, the Conservatives crashed the economy and the rest of us will pay the price for years to come – and renters face a double whammy. Rents are soaring, and soaring interest rates have put that first home even further out of reach.

This country badly needs a change from 13 years of Tory failure - and Labour has a plan to get our country back on its feet. Through our mission-led government we have a plan to deliver the highest sustained growth in the G7, and we would bring in a Renters’ Charter, providing new certainty for renters, ending ‘no-fault’ evictions and introducing four-month notice periods for landlords.


Ely and East Cambridgeshire Labour

Produced by Gareth Wright on behalf of Ely and East Cambridgeshire Labour

all at Alex Wood Hall, Norfolk St, Cambridge CB1 2LD, UK

©2024 by Ely and East Cambridgeshire Labour.

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